The specified representation of Attic strings mapped either to ASCII characters only or to the Greek range of Unicode allows for unambiguous comparison and sorting of Attic strings. It is convenient to support the following equivalent forms of input when creating an Attic string:
The string DEMOS is a valid input form to create an Attic string in the ASCII mapping.
The string δεμος is a valid input form to create an Attic string in the mapping to the Greek range of Unicode.
The string Demos is a valid input form to create an Attic string in the ASCII mapping.
The string Δεμος is a valid input form to create an Attic string in the mapping to the Greek range of Unicode.
The string demos is a valid input form to create an Attic string in the ASCII mapping..
The string ΔΕΜΟΣ is a valid input form to create an Attic string in the mapping to the Greek range of Unicode.
Either of the specified representations in ASCII-only characters or in the Greek range of Unicode can be generated for a given Attic string.
Attic strings created from the Greek range of Unicode can also be represented in the ASCII-only mapping:
Constructed from | As ASCII string |
δεμος | DEMOS |
Δεμος | DEMOS |
δε=μος | DE=MOS |
hοδός | HODO/S |
Attic strings created from accepted ASCII input can be represented in the fully specified ASCII-only mapping:
Constructed from | As ASCII string |
demos | DEMOS |
Demos | DEMOS |
de_mos | DE_MOS |
de=mos | DE=MOS |
Attic strings created from ASCII values can also be represented in the mapping to the Greek range of Unicode:
Constructed from | As string |
DEMOS | δεμος |
demos | δεμος |
Demos | δεμος |
DEMOS | δεμος |
de_mos | δε_μος |
de=mos | δε͂μος |
HODO/S | hοδός |
Attic strings created from accepted Greek Unicode input can be represented in the fully specified mapping to the Greek range of Unicode:
Constructed from | As ASCII string |
δεμος | δεμος |
Δεμος | δεμος |
ΔΕΜΟΣ | δεμος |
ΔΕ_ΜΟΣ | δε_μος |
Hοδός | hοδός |