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Version 7.0.0-pr6

The LatinParsedToken


The LatinParsedToken is the atomic unit in the latincorpus library. It presumes that for any text represented as a String or sequence of code points, you can associate an orthographic system capable of parsing 100% of the string into a series of classified tokens. You can subsequently apply a morphological parser to tokens classified as lexical tokens, and by associating morphological analyses with each lexical token, create a sequence of LatinParsedTokens. An example of this background work is described on the Lingua Latina Legenda project’s website.

Basic identity

A LatinParsedToken is a single token categorized as a LexicalToken, NumericToken, PunctuationToken or PraenomenToken.

It is citable by a CTS URN that extends the canonical citation scheme for the text by one level to create a canonical citation for individual tokens. We’ll use as an example a token identified as 32 within the canonically citable passage urn:cts:latinLit:stoa1263.stoa001.hc_tkns:108a.1

// res0: edu.holycross.shot.cite.CtsUrn = CtsUrn(
//   "urn:cts:latinLit:stoa1263.stoa001.hc_tkns:108a.1.32"
// )
// res1: String = "scripserunt"
// res2: edu.holycross.shot.mid.orthography.MidTokenCategory = LexicalToken

Associated morphological analyses

The token has a (possibly empty) Vector of morphological analyses; the Vector will be empty for tokens that are not categorized as Lexical tokens, and for lexical tokens that have not been parsed. Each analysis in the Vector is a LemmatizedForm (from the tabulae library).

// res3: Int = 1
// res4: LemmatizedForm = VerbForm(
//   "ls.n43092",
//   "",
//   "",
//   Third,
//   Plural,
//   Perfect,
//   Indicative,
//   Active
// )

The token has a series of Boolean functions, determining if any analyses belong to a given type of LemmatizedForm. For the token in this example with the text scripserunt, the single analysis is specifically a finite verb type. It also belongs to the broader verbal category that includes non-finite forms such as infinitives and participles.

// res5: Boolean = true
// res6: Boolean = true
// res7: Boolean = false
// res8: Boolean = false

For a given morphological property, you can extract all values found in the Vector of analyses.

// res9: Vector[MorphologicalProperty] = Vector(Third)
// res10: Vector[MorphologicalProperty] = Vector(Perfect)
// res11: Vector[MorphologicalProperty] = Vector(Indicative)
// res12: Vector[MorphologicalProperty] = Vector(Active)

If no values are found for that property, the result is an empty Vector.

// res13: Vector[MorphologicalProperty] = Vector()

Lexical identity

You can test whether any of the analyses match a given lexeme, or any in a list of lexemes.

// res14: Boolean = true
// res15: Boolean = false
token.matchesAny(Vector("ls.n43092", ""))
// res16: Boolean = true

URN expansion and serialization

The tabulae library’s LemmatizedForm uses abbreviated identifiers. The URNs can be expanded by converting LemamtizedForms to LemmatizedFormUrns.

val expanded  = token.analysisUrns()
// expanded: Vector[LemmatizedFormUrns] = Vector(
//   LemmatizedFormUrns(
//     CtsUrn("urn:cts:latinLit:stoa1263.stoa001.hc_tkns:108a.1.32"),
//     "scripserunt",
//     Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:tabulae:ls.v1:n43092"),
//     Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:tabulae:morphforms.v1:324110004"),
//     LexicalToken
//   )
// )

These are useful for serializing to a plain-text representation which could be written to a file.

val cex = => analysis.cex())
// cex: Vector[String] = Vector(
//   "urn:cts:latinLit:stoa1263.stoa001.hc_tkns:108a.1.32#scripserunt#urn:cite2:tabulae:ls.v1:n43092#urn:cite2:tabulae:morphforms.v1:324110004#LexicalToken"
// )
new PrintWriter("onetoken.cex"){write(cex.mkString("\n"));close;}
// res17: PrintWriter = repl.MdocSession$App$$anon$1@571d60e7

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