

See the section of this guide on background and motivation for SimpleLexica.jl.


Load Lewis and Short's Latin Dictionary from Christopher Blackwell's github repository into a Lexicon:

using SimpleLexica
latdict = lewis_short()
Lexicon with 51596 articles.

(The parallel function to load Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon is lsj().)

Search for a string:

barbar = search(latdict, "barbarian")
Lexicon with 7 articles.

Get the text of articles from a Lexicon.

7-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
 "ăd-ĕō^, adv. cf. quoad and adh" ⋯ 15636 bytes ⋯ "n Hand, Turs. I. pp. 135-155."
 "barbărus, a, um ( `I` *gen. pl" ⋯ 5374 bytes ⋯ "e facere, Vulg. 2 Macc. 15, 2."
 "brācae (not braccae), ārum (onc" ⋯ 651 bytes ⋯ " Lat. 2, p. 518, and bracatus."
 "brācātus, a, um, adj. id.. `I` " ⋯ 863 bytes ⋯ "bracati corpus, Mel. 2, 1, 10."
 "canthus, i, m., = κάνθος; lit. " ⋯ 164 bytes ⋯ "toto), *a wheel*, Pers. 5, 71."
 "căterva, ae, f., `I` *a crowd*" ⋯ 1320 bytes ⋯ "3, 50, 196; id. Sest. 55. 118."
 "ŏpĭcus, a, um, adj. a fuller fo" ⋯ 459 bytes ⋯ ", that gnaw books, id. 3, 207."

Contents of this guide