User's guide: morphology

The LycianParser class implements the CitableParser interface. Import or use both modules, as in the following code block, to have access to functions from both.

You can begin by instantiating a LycianParser with the parser() function.

using Lycian
using CitableParserBuilder
lycianparser = lycianParser()
typeof(lycianparser) |> supertype

# output

[ Info: Loading morphological data...
[ Info: Done loading.

Creating a parser downloads a dataset over the internet into a DataFrame. If you are not online, you will have to manually create a parser by constructing a DataFrame from a local copy of the data set at

Parsing strings

The most efficient way to parse a string value for a single token is to provide three parameters to the parsetoken function: the parser, the string value, and the data set that the parser has already downloaded, and which is available as the data element of your parser.

The parser comes up with only one analysis for the form tideimis.

parses = parsetoken("tideimis", lycianparser,

# output


The lexicon


The morphological database