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Week 1 vocabulary

Common prepositions

  • ab or a+ abl: away from
  • ad + acc: towards
  • apud + acc: at, with, by, near
  • cum + abl: with
  • de + abl: from, down from
  • ex + abl: out of
  • in + abl: in
  • in + acc: into
  • inter + acc: between, among
  • ob + acc: on account of
  • per + acc: through
  • post + acc: after
  • pro + abl: in front of, on behalf of
  • propter + acc: on account of
  • super + acc: above, on top of

Important verbs

  • capio, capĕre, cepi, captus: to seize
  • do, dare, dedi, datus: to give
  • duco, ducĕre, duxi, ductus: to lead
  • eo, ire, ii or ivi, -: to go
  • facio, facĕre, feci, factus: to make
  • fero, ferre, tuli, latus: to bear, carry
  • mitto, mittĕre, misi, missus: to send
  • pono, ponĕre, posui, positus: to place
  • sum, esse, fui, futurus: to be
  • venio, venire, veni ventus: to come
  • volo, velle, volui, -: to wish, want

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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