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Notes on technologies we’ll use

Zoom etiquette

If you’re comfortable doing so, please do turn your video on: seeing faces can help create a sense of connection, and can encourage us to engage with each other. Tailoring your Zoom preferences with individual image, name, and (if your system supports it) virtual background is encouraged!

In full class meetings, please keep your microphone muted when not speaking, so we don’t get feedback from 20 audio inputs. I won’t be able to see everyone at once, so keep the chat stream open, and drop a note there when you’d like to chime in. Do feel free as well to use Zoom reactions (“thumbs up”), or gesture in your video as well: if you’re in my Zoom grid, those are sometimes easier to see than the chat stream.


Github is the world’s most widely used service for hosting projects with version control – tracking drafts and modifications to documents. We’ll use github to work and revise assignments.

Every github repository also includes the option of hosting a free web site on, so you’ll have the choice of sharing your entire portfolio or selections from it on a publicly visible website. This can be valuable beyond Latin 101-102: many employers now are accustomed to finding a link to a github site as a standard part of job applications.

You’ll need to set up a (free) account on github, and include your user name in the brief informational form you’ll complete at the beginning of the semester. Choose a user name that won’t embarass you on a resume six months from now.


I will record grades for all assignments in the Canvas gradebook, so you can track your progress there. Deadlines listed for assignments in Canvas may get out of sync with the course web site: if they do, let me know, and I’ll try to update Canvas, but deadlines posted on the course web site always have priority.

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
All material on this web site is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0 on github.