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Course policies

Remote work

This semester, all of us are experimenting with new ways to learn, and each of us is in a unique set of circumstances. We’ll all need to be patient with each other, and more flexible than ever before.

Since we are not able to share the same physical campus and classroom, the most important thing you can do to help me help you is to stay in touch. Hang around for a minute after a class Zoom, stop by my drop-in hours, or send me an email so we can schedule a one-on-one Zoom or phone call.

Most of our scheduled class meetings on MWF will be organized for the entire class. Some days on the daily schedule will be set aside for work in small-group workshops. Participation in scheduled meetings is required, but if, for any reason, it’s hard for you to attend, please let me know ahead of time or as soon as possible afterwards.

Academic accommodations

If you are already registered with the college’s Office of Accessibility Services, please let me know.

If you feel that you need accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact the Office of Accessibility Services to discuss support services available. You can reach the office by phone at (508) 793-3693.

Diversity and inclusion

Studying the ancient Mediterrean world at Holy Cross is one way to challenge a centuries-long tradition that reserved that study for a privileged elite. The challenge goes beyond simply welcoming students however they identify their race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, religious or spiritual tradition, or socioeconomic background. As we work to understand the multicultural world of the ancient Mediterranean, we reflect on and actively explore how this can help us recognize and respond to structures of power and privilege in our own lives.

This work is especially important today, when historically false images of the ancient world are being invoked to support racist political claims. Studying Classics helps us see through erroneous assertions about the “whiteness” of the ancient Mediterranean, and reject claims that the Greco-Roman world is the special province of any ethnic or political group.

Confidentiality and mandatory reporting.

All instructors are mandatory reporters. This means that while, whenever legally possible, I will keep any information you share about your life experiences in classroom discussions, written work, or one-on-one meetings confidential, I am required to share any information you disclose about sexual misconduct, a prior suicide attempt or an intention to attempt suicide.

I am expected to share information about sexual misconduct with the College’s Office of Title IX Initiatives. You can also get in touch with Title IX directly at 508-793-3336 or For more information, please visit If you would like to discuss the matter confidentially, the following confidential resources are available to you: the Chaplains’ Office, 508-793-2448; Counseling Center, 508-793-3363; Health Services, 508-793-2276.

Following the College’s Suicide Protocol, if you disclose a prior suicide attempt or an intention or plan to attempt suicide, I will share that information with the Chair of our student CARE Team, who will engage in appropriate outreach.

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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