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Course requirements and grading

You will determine your own course grade this semester. We will use specification grading, a system that makes criteria for earning course points explicit in a shared rubric, in a series of repeatable assignments. One goal of this approach is to make course requirements simultaneously rigorous and attainable.

Requirements for individual assignments are specified in the instructions for each assignment. A satisfactory grade means that all requirements are satisfied. On a quiz, for example, this means that 100% of questions are correctly answered. If you miss an answer, you will have the option of coming to drop-in hours to explain your corrections, and receive credit for a satisfactory grade.

Basis for course grades

Your course grade will be determined by a combination of assignments graded complete/incomplete, and assignments earning a specified number of points.

Requirements graded complete/incomplete

Four assignments will be graded complete or incomplete:

  1. completing initial course information form
  2. CBL lab attendance
  3. completing CBL lab project
  4. 2-3 reflective questionnaires

Assignments earning points

You will have three series of written assignments, with each series comprising a quiz, a translation exercise, and a Latin composition (a total of nine assignments). Deadlines for initial submission and last date for revision are listed here.

First series. Each assignment in the first series is worth a maximum of three points, determined as:

  • 1 point if submitted on time
  • 1 point if a satisfactory (perfect) score is completed before the deadline for “last date for revisions”
  • 1 point if a satisfactory (perfect) score is submitted before the end of the semester

This means that if you achieve a satisfactory (perfect) score with an on-time first submission, you immediately earn 3 points (because the first submission is on time, is before the last date for submission, and is a perfect score).

Second and third series. In the next two series, each assignment is worth two points each: 1 point if submitted on time, 1 point if a satisfactory (perfect) score is submitted before the deadline for “last date for revisions”.

Commentary/response assignment In the last section of the course, when we are reading Hyginus continuously, you will complete a final assignment responding to the text. This assignment is worth two points.

Submitting and revising work

You will post your submissions to your github repository where I can read and share comments with you. (You will have the option of using github to host your entire portfolio or selections from it on a personal web site.)

You may revise an assignment first coming to my drop-in hours, and explaining orally how to correct any errors on your initial submission.

Determination of course grades

There are four requirements graded complete/incomplete. Other assignments can earn as many as 23 points total:

Assignments Value Total
First series 3 @3 points 9
Second series 3 @2 points 6
Third series 3 @2 points 6
Commentary/response 1 @2 points 2
  Total possible points 23

I will use this chart to record the grade you have earned for the course.

Letter grade Minimum points Minimum complete/incomplete
A 23 4
A- 22 4
B+ 21 4
B 19 3
B- 18 3
C+ 17 3
C 15 3
C- 14 2

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
All material on this web site is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0 on github.