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Goals and objectives


In Latin 102, you will build on the language skills you developed in Latin 101, and read unaltered selections from the mythological handbook of Hyginus, the Fabulae. Your increasing command of Latin grammar will enable you to consider how these myths convey values, how they experess those values in language, and how they serve as both entertainment and a way to explore difficult questions.

You will compare how Latin texts use language to organize a view of the world with our use of English today.

You will articulate how the study of texts in Latin has shaped structures of power, and how people continue to use Latin to make claims to authority or privilege.


Our main objectives in Latin 102 are:

  • review and reinforce major concepts from Latin 101
  • recognize and identify a core vocabulary and all inflectional forms in a real Latin text
  • read extended passages of real Latin texts with minimal glossing
  • read aloud and pronounce Latin with confidence and accuracy
  • analyze syntax and sentence structure in both Latin and English
  • translate complex ideas and sentences into Latin and English

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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