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Weekly overviews

Feb. 24-Mar. 5:

  • Main language features: the perfect passive participle; the present active participle; the ablative absolute.
  • Vocabulary: know all four principal parts of all verbs in the core vocabulary list
  • Exercises: practice principal parts of all required verbs.
  • Due dates this week:quiz 2 due Monday, Mar. 1.

Feb. 15-19:

  • Main language features: the relative pronoun and relative clauses. Use the chart below to review forms.
  • Vocabulary: know the pronouns in this week’s vocabulary list
  • Exercises: drills analyzing relative clauses, and composing synopses.
  • Graded assignments due this week: none

Forms of the relative pronoun

Color coding highlights:

  • forms similar to first-second declension adjectives.
  • forms similar to third declension nouns and adjectives.
  • forms to pay special attention to.


Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative qui quae quod
Genitive cuius cuius cuius
Dative cui cui cui
Accusative quem quam quod
Ablative quo qua quo


Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative qui quae quae
Genitive quorum quarum quorum
Dative quibus quibus quibus
Accusative quos quas quae
Ablative quibus quibus quibus

Feb. 8-12:

Feb. 1-5:

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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