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Translation 1: wives of Hercules

Concepts to review

  • temporal clauses with indicative and subjunctive
  • indirect statement
  • use of ablative and accusative to express time

Vocabulary and notes

  • devirgino, devirginare, devirginavi, devirginatus:
  • absum (ab + sum): “to be away, be absent” (principal parts have the same forms as sum)
  • nuptiae, nuptiarum (f.): “marriage, wedding”
  • certus, a, um: “settled, determined, fixed”
  • intervenio (inter + venio): “to come between, interrupt” (principal parts have the same forms as venio)


  • daturum (with esse understood) is the future active infinitive of do. Why does Hyginus use the infinitive here?

Passage to analyze

(Based on Hyginus, chapter 33.)

Highlighting like this indicates words or phrases referred to in the following grammatical questions.

Hercules cum in hospitium ad Dexamenum regem uenisset eiusque filiam Deianiram deuirginasset, volebat eam uxorem ducere. cum Hercules abesset, centaurus Eurytion petit Deianiram uxorem. quia pater eius centaurum timebat, pollicitus est se daturum.

Tempore certo, venit centaurus cum fratribus ad nuptias. Hercules interuenit et centaurum interfecit, Deianiram abduxit.

A. Grammatical analysis

Place each clause on a separate line, indented to show its level of subordination. Italicize the verb of each clause by surrounding it with asterisks. For example, if you were given the English sentence, “They felt relieved when they realized that the translation was easy.”, you could write that in markdown as

They *felt* relieved
> when they *realized*
>> that the translation *was* easy. 

and it would be formatted as

They felt relieved

when they realized

that the translation was easy.

B. Grammatical questions

  1. Write a dictionary entry (nominative singular, genitive singular, gender) for Dexamenum, then identify the form Dexamenum.
  2. Write a dictionary entry (nominative singular, genitive singular, gender) for Deianiram, then identify the form Deianiram.
  3. Identify the form abesset, and explain why it is this tense and mood.
  4. Identify the form uenisset, and explain why it is this tense and mood.
  5. Identify the form pollicitus est. What dictionary form would you look under to find this verb?
  6. Identify the form of the noun-adjective phrase tempore certo, and explain why it is in this case.

C. Translation

Please translate the passage into idiomatic English.

Submitting your work

In your github repository, create a file named

You can copy and paste this page in to set up a template for your submission. Enter your answer next to each question.

Tips for formatting your quiz in markdown

  • You can use the right angle bracket > to indent a block of text
  • Surround a word or phrase with asterisks `*` to highlight it (with italics)

Example: these lines

> When they *saw* the example,

they *understood*

> how indentation *works* in markdown.

are formatted like this:

When they saw the example,

they understood

how indentation works.

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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