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Quiz 2

Verb synopses

Check one verb of the first or second conjugation *other than8 amo or habeo, and one verb of the third or third-io conjugation other than capio or duco. For each verb, complete the following synopsis, and translate indicative forms as complete sentences.

  • third plural present indicative active
  • third plural present subjunctive active
  • third plural imperfect indicative active
  • present infinitive active
  • third plural imperfect subjunctive active
  • third plural perfect indicative active
  • perfect infinitive passive
  • third plural pluperfect subjunctive active

Using the verb polliceor, complete the following synopsis, and translate indicative forms as complete sentences.

  • third plural present indicative passive
  • third plural present subjunctive passive
  • third plural imperfect indicative passive
  • present infinitive passive
  • third plural imperfect subjunctive passive
  • third plural perfect indicative passive
  • perfect active passive
  • third plural pluperfect subjunctive passive

Do a synopsis here… one 1st or 2nd, one 3rd or 3rdio

but not amo, habeo, capio or duco

English relative clauses

You are given a pair of simple English sentences (that is, a single independent clause) with a noun in common. Combine them into one complex sentence by keeping the first sentence as the independent clause, and making the second sentence a relative clause.

Example: if you were given

Hercules was ordered by Eurystheus to perform twelve labors. Eurystheus was the son of Sthenelus.

you could make the second sentence a relative clause like this:

Hercules was ordered by Eurystheus, who was the son of Sthenelus, to perform twelve labors.

  1. The brothers were violent Centaurs. Eurytion came to the wedding with his brothers.
  2. Dexamenus was afraid of Eurytion. Deanira was promised in marriage to Eurytion.
  3. Eurytion expected to marry Deianira. Eurytion’s brothers were centaurs.
  4. Nessus tried to rape Deianira. Hercules killed Nessus.
  5. Nessus gave Deianira a vial of blood. Hercules was poisoned by the blood.
  6. In Egypt, Hercules killed the priest Busiris. Busiris regularly sacrificed foreigners.
  7. Prometheus’ heart was devoured by an eagle. Hercules shot the eagle dead with his arrows.
  8. Lycus tried to kill Megara and her sons Therimachus and Ophites. Lycus was killed by Hercules.
  9. Hercules stole a tripod from the temple at Delphi. Apollo refused to give Hercules an oracle.
  10. Hercules killed his own wife Megara. Juno drove threw Hercules into a fit of madness.

Latin relative clauses

For each sentence in the previous section:

  1. translate the relative pronoun into Latin
  2. identify the antecedent of the pronoun, and its gender and number
  3. identify the case of the Latin pronoun, and explain why it is in that case

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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