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Quiz 1

Part 1: recognizing nouns

Identify the gender, case and number, and gender of each noun. If there are multiple possible forms, list all options. Translate prepositional phrases.

  1. filiam
  2. in coniugium
  3. animo
  4. uirgine
  5. parentes
  6. ad uxorem

Part 2: recognizing verbs

For each of the following verbs,

  • identify the tense, voice, mood, person, and number.
  • if the form is finite (not an infinitive) and singular, convert to plural; if the form is finite and plural, convert to singular.
  1. petivisset
  2. necauit
  3. necari
  4. rogaretur
  5. coepit
  6. interfecisset
  7. misit

Part 3: Latin composition

Translate (only) the italicized verb forms into Latin. E.g., if you were given “Hercules saw Deianira,” you could translate saw with vidit.

  1. Centaurs are being killed by Hercules. (Use the present tense)
  2. Centaurs were being killed by Hercules. (Use the imperfect tense)
  3. Centaurs were killed by Hercules. (Use the perfect tense)
  4. When Hercules killed the Centaurs, he carried off Deianira. (Emphasize the circumstance, not the timing, of what Hercules did.)
  5. At the moment when Deianira saw Hercules’ garment burst into flames, she realized the Centaur had lied to her.
  6. Hercules led Deianira in marriage (i.e., he married her).
  7. Hercules repeatedly asked Eurytus for permission to marry Iole.

Submitting your assignment

In your github repository, create a file named

You can copy and paste this page in to set up a template for your submission. Enter your answer next to each question.

Tips for formatting your quiz in markdown

  • separate paragraphs with an empty line
  • put list items on successive lines (no empty lines between items)
  • for bulleted lists, start the line with `- `
  • for numbered lists, start the line a number and a period. (The markdown formatter will number items sequentially: you'll get the same results if you individually number each line, or start every line with `1.`.)

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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