Quiz 1
Part 1: recognizing nouns
Identify the gender, case and number, and gender of each noun. If there are multiple possible forms, list all options. Translate prepositional phrases.
- filiam
- in coniugium
- animo
- uirgine
- parentes
- ad uxorem
Part 2: recognizing verbs
For each of the following verbs,
- identify the tense, voice, mood, person, and number.
- if the form is finite (not an infinitive) and singular, convert to plural; if the form is finite and plural, convert to singular.
- petivisset
- necauit
- necari
- rogaretur
- coepit
- interfecisset
- misit
Part 3: Latin composition
Translate (only) the italicized verb forms into Latin. E.g., if you were given “Hercules saw Deianira,” you could translate saw with vidit.
- Centaurs are being killed by Hercules. (Use the present tense)
- Centaurs were being killed by Hercules. (Use the imperfect tense)
- Centaurs were killed by Hercules. (Use the perfect tense)
- When Hercules killed the Centaurs, he carried off Deianira. (Emphasize the circumstance, not the timing, of what Hercules did.)
- At the moment when Deianira saw Hercules’ garment burst into flames, she realized the Centaur had lied to her.
- Hercules led Deianira in marriage (i.e., he married her).
- Hercules repeatedly asked Eurytus for permission to marry Iole.
Submitting your assignment
In your github repository, create a file named quiz.md
You can copy and paste this page in to set up a template for your submission. Enter your answer next to each question.
Tips for formatting your quiz in markdown
- separate paragraphs with an empty line
- put list items on successive lines (no empty lines between items)
- for bulleted lists, start the line with `- `
- for numbered lists, start the line a number and a period. (The markdown formatter will number items sequentially: you'll get the same results if you individually number each line, or start every line with `1.`.)