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CBL lab schedule

Summary of CBL lab weekly meetings.

Week Activity
Feb. 1-2 no CBL lab this week
Feb. 8-9 Welcome back; orientation to semester’s work
Feb. 15-16 Student groups work on projects
Feb. 22-23 Student groups work on projects
March 1-2 Student groups work on projects
March 8-9 Visit from Stephanie Lindeborg ‘13, Boston Latin Academy, Monday, March 8, 7:00 pm. No meetings during regular lab time.
March 15-16 Rehearsal: 7-minute presentations from each group (live)
March 22-23 Review of rehearsal, and discussion of CBL repository for Worcester public schools
March 29-30 No CBL lab meeting
April 5-6 Easter break: no CBL lab meeting
April 12-13 Video workshop. Final video submitted by Sunday, April 18.
April 19-20 Rehearsal for Academic Conference
April 26-27 No CBL lab meeting
April 28 Holy Cross Academic Conference – students share project videos in advance and respond to questions from HC community in Q and A
May 3-4 Review and reflection on the semester

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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