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CBL project

  1. Overview
  2. Process and timelines
    1. CORE repository
    2. Academic conference


Since Worcester Public Schools remain in remote learning, we will focus our CBL work on joining the College Corps to develop contributions to their repository of supplemental and extra-curricular materials for Worcester students.

You will prepare a seven-minute video designed for middle-school students for submission to CORE. You will reflect on this work in a panel discussion with other Latin 102 students as part of the annual Academic Conference.

Presentations will cover one of the following five foundational grammatical topics:

  • Introducing the genitive case
  • Modifying nouns with adjectives
  • Conveying the past with the imperfect and perfect tenses
  • Conveying passive and active voice in the imperfect tense
  • Conveying passive and active voice in the perfect tense

CORE defines eleven guides for you to follow in preparing your video:

Process and timelines

Work will be organized in teams of about three students.

CORE repository

During the weeks of Feb. 8-9 through March 1-2, we will use our CBL lab time to work in groups on your project.

Instead of regular CBL labs the week of March 8-9, we will have a single joint session on Monday, March 8, at 7:00, with a visit from Holy Cross alumna Stephanie Lindeborg ‘13. This will not require advance preparation; in addition, Professors Joseph and Smith have adjusted their schedules to minimize the number of written assignments you submit during this period. This should allow each team plenty of time to prepare for a 7-minute live presentation from each group in the CBL lab sections on March 15-16. We will make a Zoom recording of these CBL lab meetings so that before you go through the process of making a video, we can review your presentation and ensure that it satisfies the CORE guidelines.

In our CBL labs of March 22-23, we will meet with representatives of the Holy Cross CBL Office to review your practice presentations, and discuss the CORE repository. We will devote our next CBL lab (after Easter break, on April 12-13) to a video recording workshop where you can record your video. You must submit your final video no later than Sunday, April 18.

Key deadlines:

  • March 15-17: live 7-minute presentation
  • March 22-23: review of work on CORE projects with CBL staff
  • April 12-13: video workshop
  • April 18: last date to submit final video

Academic conference

You will reflect on your work in a panel discussion at the annual Holy Cross Academic Conference.

Each team will view the video or videos by other teams dealing with the same grammatical topic. (Teams working on introducing the genitive case, for example, will view the videos of other teams introducing the genitive case.) At the Academic Conference, all teams who worked on the same topic will participate as panelists in a moderated discussion. This will be an occasion to reflect on the choices your team made, and compare them with the work of other team(s) on the same topic. Some of the questions you should consider:

  • how did each team use the introductory video to try to connect to Worcester middle-schoolers?
  • how did each team plan interactive, follow-up activities?
  • how did you choose to introduce yourself to Worcester students?
  • what did you take from the experience of trying to connect with students we can’t meet with in person in 2021?

In CBL lab sections on April 19-20, we will go into breakout rooms where each team can watch other videos on its topic, and discuss among themselves their thoughts on these questions, and any others that come up. Professors Joseph and Smith will participate in these sections with you.

April 28 is the designated day for the Academic Conference when we will have no classes. We expect to have two sessions. The first will have panels on our first two grammatical topics (introducing the genitive case, modifying nouns with adjectives), while the second will have panels on our three other topics (conveying the past with the imperfect and perfect tenses, conveying passive and active voice in the imperfect tense, conveying passive and active voice in the perfect tense). The discussion will be guided by a faculty moderator.

Key deadlines:

  • April 19-20: rehearsal for Academic Conference
  • April 28: Academic Conference

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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