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Review: verbs

Nota Bene

Be sure you have your github password and username with you for Wednesday's class: we'll take some time to set up a repository for your Latin 102 course material, and add a file for Friday's quiz 1.

1. Common compound verbs

The following eleven verbs are verb common in all Latin texts. In addition, many compounds are built on them: if you learn these verbs thoroughly, you will recognize a very large number of Latin verbs.

Using this review list, memorize the four principal parts for each verb:

  • capio
  • do
  • duco
  • eo
  • facio
  • fero
  • mitto
  • pono
  • sum
  • venio
  • volo

Two of the compounds formed from the irregular verbs sum (“to be”) and volo (“to wish”) may seem less obvious. Possum “to be able” is from pot + sum; nolonot to wish, to be unwilling” is from non volo. If you know the forms of possum and volo, you will have no trouble recognizing forms of possum and nolo.


  • Click Select a verb to select a question at random.
  • Check Show answer to see its principal parts

Part 2: other common verbs

Each of these verbs appears frequently in Hyginus (48 or more times!) If you recognize their principal parts automatically, you will read the Fabulae much more easily.

  • First conjugation: appello
  • Second conjugation: habeo, video, respondeo, jubeo
  • Third conjugation: peto, nascor, pario
  • Fourth conjugation: audio


  • Click Select a verb to select a question at random.
  • Check Show answer to see its principal parts

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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