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Review relative clauses

  1. Review your analysis of English and Latin relative clauses in this earlier homework
  2. Work through all the example sentences in the drill for Friday’s homework

Analysis and translation

Each of the following sentences has an independent clause and a relative clause. Rewrite as two separate sentences by substituting the antecedent in place of the relative. Translate your rewritten sentences; then translate the original sentence with the relative clause.

Example: given

Dexamenus erat pater Deianirae, quam Hercules amabat.

you would replace quam with its antecedent. Keeping gender, case and number the same, you would rewrite as the following two sentences:

  1. Dexamenus erat pater Deianirae.
  2. Deianiram Hercules amabat.


  1. Hercules venit in hospitium ad Dexamenum cuius filiam postea uxorem duxit.
  2. Hercules qui postea Deianiram uxorem duxit interfecit Dexamenum Deianirae patrem.
  3. Dexamenus pollicitus est se Deianiram centauro quem timbebat daturum esse.
  4. Hercules a quo centaurus interfectus est Deianiram abduxit.
  5. Dexamenus timebat centaurum cui pollicitus est se filiam daturum.

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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