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Relative clauses

Understanding relative clauses

In the L3 textbook, read this introduction to relative clauses

In your github repository, create a file called Format these English sentences by putting each clause on a separate line, and indenting to indicate the level of subordination (exactly as you did in translation 1).

Philoctetes built a pyre for Hercules, who then ascended to immortality.

Hercules hurled Lichas, who had brought the poisoned garment, into the see.

In Egypt, Hercules killed Busiris, who regularly sacrificed foreigners.

He killed the Centaur Eurytion because he wanted to marry Deianira, who was his fiancée.

He killed Eurytion, whose daughter he had asked to marry.

Relative clauses in Latin

Relative clauses in Latin are introduced by the relative pronoun. Like any pronoun, its forms show gender, case and number.

The gender and number of the relative pronoun refer to the antecedent.

The case of the relative pronoun shows its function the relative clauses.

Read about the pronoun and antecedents in the L3 textbook.

Add the following Latin sentences to your file Put each clause on a separate line, and indent to show the level of subordination as you did for the English sentences above. Then strongly emphasize (bold face) the relative pronoun and its antecedent by surrounding them with a pair of asterisks **.

Hercules in Aegypto Busiridem, qui hospites interficiebat, necavit.

Hercules Licham qui uestem attulerat in mare iecit.

Eurytum cuius filiam eius in coniugium petiuit occidit.

Forms of the relative pronoun

As your text book notes, the forms of the relative pronoun are identical to the interrogative adjective you learned last semester.

Review the forms of the relative pronoun here.

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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