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Muirchu’s Vita Sancti Patricii

Perhaps in the seventh century, a churchman named Muirchu wrote the first biography of Patrick.

Use the glosses below, and the online Lewis-Short dictionary from Furman University to work through this selection from chapter 20.

The events in this chapter are set at the first Easter in Ireland. Patrick appears at the palace at Tara where nobles and druids have gathered for the festus maximus, “their greatest feast day”.

They stage a contest between Patrick and a druid named Lucet Máel. We pick up the story where Lucet Máel has just challenged Patrick to bring snow over the whole land.


The passages have been outlined in the format we’ve been using all semester. Work on the main clauses first. Find subject and verb. If you don’t recognize vocabulary, one of your team should check the glosses, and try to find the word in the lexicon if it’s not glossed.

From chapter 20 of the Vita Sancti Patricii



  • ait == dixit
  • magus, magi (m), “magician, druid”


  • exordior, exordiri, -, orsus, “to unfold, begin”
  • nix, nivis (f), “snow”


  • campus, i (m), “field”
  • pluvia, ae (f), “rain”
  • nebula, ae (f), “mist, fog”
  • evanesco, evanescere, evanui, -, “disappear, vanish”


  • tenebra, tenebrae (f), “shadow”


  • gratias ago == “to thank”, “give thanks (to someone)”

Section 20.3

(3) ait Patricius:

“nolo contraria uoluntati Dei inducere”,

et dixit magus:

“ego inducam videntibus cunctis”.

Section 20.4


Tunc incantationes magicas exorsus

induxit nivem super totum campum …

et viderunt omnes

et mirati sunt.

Et ait sanctus: “…depone nunc”.

Et dixit:

“Ante istam horam cras non possum deponere”.

Et ait sanctus:

“Potes malum et non bonum facere.

Non sic ego”.

Section 20.5


Tunc benedixit campum

absque ulla pluvia aut nebulis aut vento evanuit nix,

et exclamaverunt turbae

et mirati sunt.

Section 20.6


Et paulo post

invocatis demonibus

induxit magus densissimas tenebras super terram in signum

et mormuraverunt omnes.

Et ait sanctus:

“expelle tenebras”.

At ille similiter non poterat.


Sanctus autem



et reppente expulsae sunt tenebrae

et refulsit sol

et exclamaverunt omnes et

gratias egerunt.

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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