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What kind of hero is Hercules?

In class today, we will review your composition 1 about Hercules and Iole. We will read more about Hercules and his wives Megara and Deianira in our next translation and composition assignments, but you have already seen pieces of those stories in your exercises and work in class.

Watch this brief video introducing traditional stories about Hercules.

What kind of hero is Hercules? Was he a hero to admire or emulate? Why were stories about him so popular? Do we tell similar stories today?

For class, please bring one- or two-sentence responses to the following questions to share in class:

  1. What one tension or problem that seems to run throughout the many stories about Hercules?
  2. How is that tension or problem reflected in the story that you composed this week (based on the retelling in Hyginus)?

Latin 102, Spring 2021. Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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