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We model the contents of a token as a citable passage identified by a token-level CTS URN with text contents representing a single token.

We annotate each token with a token type, and type-dependent morphological and syntactic analyses.

Token types

Tokens may be one of the following token types:

  • lexical
  • numeric
  • punctuation

Morphological analysis

Lexical tokens are further annotated with a morphological identity, expressed with two CITE2 URNs, for the lexeme and morphological form.

Other token types have a value of nothing for morphology.

Syntactic analysis

The syntactic analysis of tokens is expressed as a graph similar to that of the Prague dependency tree banks. Each token will identify a parent token, and a specific relation between the token and the parent token.

In contrast to the Prague model, some tokens will also have a relation to child token.

For tokens in dependent verbal units, only one token in each verbal unit will relate to a token in a superior verbal unit. This token will be the root of the tree of tokens representing that verbal unit. For tokens in an independent clause, one token will have a parent relation of nothing, and will be the root of the syntax tree for the independent clause.