Analyzing and profiling a corpus

Analyzing a corpus

The CitableParserBuilder defines a number of functions that draw on a concrete implementation of the parsetoken function to analyze a citable corpus.

We'll load a citable corpus from a file in this repository's test/data directory (referred to here as f).

using CitableCorpus, CitableBase
corpuscexfile = joinpath(repo,"test","data","gettysburgcorpus.cex")
corpus = fromcex(corpuscexfile, CitableTextCorpus, FileReader)
Corpus with 20 citable passages in 5 documents.

We'll use the SimpleAscii orthography from the Orthography package to prepare a tokenized corpus.

using Orthography
tc = tokenizedcorpus(corpus, simpleAscii())
Corpus with 1506 citable passages in 5 documents.

We'll build a GettysburgParser, a demo parser for the English text of the Gettysburg Address in two steps. First we'll load a local file with analytical data into a dictionary (here named morphdict). Then we'll include that as an optional dict parameter when we build the parser.

The result of parsing the corpus is a Vector of AnalyzedTokens. There is one entry for each token in the corpus.

dictcsv = joinpath(repo, "test", "data", "posdict.csv")
using CSV
morphdict = CSV.File(dictcsv) |> Dict
using CitableParserBuilder
parser = CitableParserBuilder.gettysburgParser(dict = morphdict)
parsed =  parsecorpus(tc, parser; data =

The vector of analyses can be formatted as delimited text with the delimited function. If you include an optional registry mapping collection names to full CITE2 collection strings, abbreviated URNs will be expanded in the resulting text.

urndict = Dict(
    "gburglex" => "urn:cite2:citedemo:gburglex.v1:",
    "gburgform" => "urn:cite2:citedemo:gburgform.v1:",
    "gburgrule" => "urn:cite2:citedemo:gburgrule.v1:",
    "gburgstem" => "urn:cite2:citedemo:gburgstem.v1:"
delimited_output = tempname()
open(delimited_output, "w") do io
    write(io, delimited(parsed; registry = urndict))

We can read the file with analyzedtokens_fromcex to create a new Vector of analyses.

cexoutput = read(delimited_output, String) 

(We'll be tidy and remove the temporary file.)


Profiling a corpus

TBA in a future release.