
Tokenize and analyze a citable text corpus.

There are many ways to model a text corpus. The CitableCorpusAnalysis module integrates two models from other Julia modules:

  • Corpus in TextAnalysis
  • CitableTextCorpus in CitableCorpus

One application of this integration is to allow LDA topic modeling (from the TextAnalysis package) to operate on a CitableTextCorpus.

CitableCorpusAnalysis.jl also introduces a further model, the AnalyticalCorpus.

Overview of an analytical corpus

An AnalyticalCorpus has three components:

  1. a citable corpus of texts (a CitableText.CitableTextCorpus)
  2. an orthographic system that can validate orthography and tokenize a citable text (an Orthography.OrthographicSystem)
  3. a citable parser, that analyses citable tokens in terms of citable lexemes and morphological or other data (a CitableParserBuilder.CitableParser)

Functions working with an AnalyticalCorpus can tokenize a corpus, analyze its tokens with a CitableParser, and can apply the corpus analytical functions of a TextAnalysis.Corpus to any citable text content.

Example pages

The following pages walk through examples using a small corpus comprising all the extant versions of the Gettysburg address. We will tokenize it with a simple ASCII tokenizer included in the Orthography module, and will parse it with a custom GettysburgParser built for this demo. (Its construction is documented in the appendix to these pages, and illustrates one simple way to build an English-language parser by wrapping the Python NLTK POS tagger.)

using CitableCorpusAnalysis
using CitableCorpus, CitableBase
using Orthography
using CitableParserBuilder

# Load a CitableCorpus from a URL:
url = ""
corpus = fromcex(url,CitableTextCorpus,UrlReader)
# Instantiate an orthographic system and parser
orthography = Orthography.simpleAscii()
parser = CitableParserBuilder.gettysburgParser()
acorpus = AnalyticalCorpus(corpus, orthography, parser)