A computational system for ancient Greek Greek orthography, phonology, morphology, and epic hexameter

Foundational libraries: release notes

2.3.3 .jar recompiled for java 7 compatibility.

2.3.2 Fixes a bug in syllabification of strings with explicit marker for vowel quantity where regular expression patterns could overlap.

2.3.1 Fixes a bug in syllabification of strings with explicit marker for vowel quantity.

2.3.0 New functionality: additional signatures added to static methods of Accent class. Bug fixes in accent handling, and in syllabification of GreekString objects.

2.2.3 Fixes a bug in constructing GreekString objects with rough breathing in Unicode representation.

2.2.2 Fixes a bug in the Accent class when diphthong in final syllable should be treated as short.

2.2.1 Fixes a bug in the Accent class placing accents on syllables containing an iota subscript.

2.2.0 New functionality: serialization of GreekNode objects as XML.

2.1.0 Fixes a bug in sorting GreekString objects where accents and breathings were being properly indexed.

2.0.0 Changes breaking backward compatibility: new signatures to constructors for GreekStrings in unicode. New functionality: GreekString class now implements Comparable interface allowing comparison based on logic of Greek alphabetic order. GreekNode adds utilities for working with GreekString content in XML documents.

1.1.0 New functionality: extensively tested Syllable class with static methods for dividing GreekWord objects into syllables.

1.0.1 Bug fixes in working with strings representing numeric values in Milesian notation. Fractional characters for 1/2 and 2/3 do not require separating single quote character when there is no accompanying integer component.

1.0.0 Initial release.